What To Do Next
Selling Desktops2Go® is no different than selling any other product or service you currently offer. There are some areas that we have found to work best.
- A current customer needs an upgrade. This helps to emphasize the ROI that is associated with Desktops2Go®.
- A company has multiple offices and are currently running software over VPN. VPN's are typically slow and a cloud solution like Desktops2Go® is lighting fast in comparison.
- A company needs mobility such as a mobile sales force or does client work at the customer site.
- A company wants to implement BYOD.
- A company who has fluctuating staff requirements. CPA's are a great example of this type of customer. At tax time, they may need additional preparers but only need them for 4 months.
The List goes on...
One of the most powerful ways to explain the benefits is to give a presentation to the prospect.
Download the Desktops2Go® Sales Presentation. It's a good starting place to develop your entire solution for the prospect and it outlines the details of our service as well as how it is implemented.
You will need a list of software and hardware to complete the ROI so this is a good time to collect that information. You can use the Site Survey form to help the process. The prospect will be most willing to provide because they want an accurate price for the service.
Once you have this data compute the cost for giving them a new server and software and use that to complete the ROI.
Use the ROI calculator to determine what the cost of migrating to Desktops2Go® vs. continuing old school IT. Make sure you include everything so it's a fair comparison. Such as:
- Utility Costs
- Software upgrades
- Virtualization of their environment
- Costs of personnel that currently do "IT" functions even though it's not their job.
Once you identify all of the real costs associated to owning and maintaining a server and associated network, the ROI should be anywhere from 40%-60% savings.
Once the prospect is on board and excited about implementing Desktops2Go®, it's time to ask for the order.
Ask the prospect to sign the end-user agreement.
Collect a check for 2 monthly payments.
Enter your order on the Shopping page.
Proceed to Implementation Section of this website to input your customer's data.